Undetected water leaks

An undetected leak is where there is no visible sign of water loss, and both the fault and/or loss could not have been reasonably identified prior to us issuing you a bill.

It may have been an underground leak in your water service, under your home or hidden in a wall cavity and importantly not visible to you.

What is the Undetected Leak Rebate?

We offer an Undetected Leak Rebate to eligible customers as a gesture to our community, providing support above our contractual obligations. And as a goodwill gesture, we may give you an allowance of up to 50% of the increase in water usage if you meet the criteria.

Important information

Apply for a rebate

Complete this form after reading the important information above. In order to assess your application you are required to provide supporting information from your licensed plumber.

As per our Privacy Statement, the personal information we collect in this form is used to deliver you our services, which includes processing your request.

Your contact details

Preferred contact method

Property details

Drag and drop files here or click to upload


    • I have read and understand that my application must address the definition of an undetected leak and meet all undetected leak criteria to be assessed for a rebate.
    • I have read and understand the Important Information and the instances in which my application may be denied.
    • I have attached my supporting documentation from my licensed plumber as required.
    • I acknowledge that the rebate will apply to one billing period only. i.e. the billing period for which the undetected leak commenced.
    • I have/ will pay the undisputed component of my account by the due date shown on the account (in accordance with Clause 5.8 of the Customer Contract).
    • I understand that Hunter Water may inspect the site of the undetected leak to verify that the application and repair meets the undetected leak criteria and relevant plumbing standards.
    • I acknowledge that if eligible for a rebate, the customer relations gesture is equal to 50% of the increase in water usage.
    • I understand that this application will be assessed fairly and consistently by the authorised officer, in accordance with Hunter Water’s Undetected Leak Rebate policy.
    • I am the owner or authorised representative for the above noted accounts and/or properties.
    • The information I have provided in this application is true, to the best of my knowledge.

    Is your bill higher than normal?

    We understand that it can be distressing when you open your bill and it's higher than expected. To better understand why it might be higher than usual, read our tips to check your bill.