Paterson and Allyn rivers

Rising in Barrington Tops National Park and Chichester State Forest and flowing south-easterly, these river catchments are administered by Dungog Shire Council while Hunter Water manages the potable water supply.

They are also the main source of water for the township of Gresford.

Paterson and Allyn Rivers
Catchment area 277 km2 / 367 km2
Annual rainfall 850mm (Gresford), 955mm (Lostock)
Areas supplied Gresford (population ~400), 100% of supply
Land use breakdown of catchment 82% agriculture (dairying, beef cattle poultry, timber), 18% National Park

The catchment

On July 1 2008, Hunter Water took over the water and wastewater networks operated by the Dungog Shire Council (DSC). This included the water supply system to the township of Gresford. Bulk water for this system is sourced from the Paterson and Allyn Rivers according to the availability and quality of water. The Paterson River water is the primary source of the two rivers (approximately 75 per cent of volume). Raw water is pumped to a micro-filtration plant where the water is treated.

The Paterson and Allyn rivers rise in Barrington Tops National Park and Chichester State Forest and flow in a south-easterly direction. The headwaters of these rivers are both in excellent condition.

Lostock Dam is located on the Paterson River near the township of Lostock and algal growth within the dam can impact downstream water quality. The dominant non-agricultural land use in the catchment is timber production and the major agricultural industries are dairying, beef cattle and poultry production.