Water sources

We operate a number of different dams, sandbeds and rivers throughout the Lower Hunter, and are developing future water sources to ensure a reliable supply of quality drinking water to our customers.

Here you can learn where each of these water sources is located and find out some interesting facts about the sites.

Our current storage levels

Our water levels drop faster than most other major Australian urban centres during hot, dry periods because we have shallow water storages and high evaporation rates.

Grahamstown Dam

Constructed between 1955 and 1965, Grahamstown Dam is an off-river storage source that extracts water from the Williams River and receives inflow from its own catchment.

Chichester Dam

Chichester Dam was the first dedicated drinking water storage system to the Hunter, and to this day is considered one of the most pristine catchments in Australia.

Tomago Sandbeds


The Tomago Sandbeds and Tomaree Sandbeds are underground fresh water sources located in the Port Stephens region of the Lower Hunter.

Belmont desalination plant - aerial artist impression

Belmont Desalination Plant

We are building a permanent desalination plant at Belmont, capable of providing 30 million litres of drinking water per day, so that we can continue to meet the needs of our customers now and in the future.

Paterson and Allyn Rivers

Rising in Barrington Tops National Park and Chichester State Forest and flowing south-easterly, these river catchments are administered by Dungog Shire Council while Hunter Water manages the drinking water supply. They are also the main source of water for the township of Gresford.

Public Access to dams and catchments

We’re passionate about protecting the Hunter’s drinking water, so before you explore our dams and catchments, take a look through these public access guidelines and help us keep our region’s supply safe.

Report illegal activity or access

Illegal Activity

If you have witnessed illegal activity, for example dumping of rubbish, burnt out vehicles, or unauthorised access to our land we want to know.

Dam safety standards reports

Each year we prepare dam safety standards reports for each of our dams, demonstrating compliance with dam safety standards. To access the reports, visit our regulatory reporting page and click on the Regulatory Reports tab.