Water storage levels

Our water levels drop faster than most other major Australian urban centres during hot, dry periods. View a snapshot of our current storage levels, understand our community's water use and learn how you can play your part to protect our precious resource.

Current water outages

Properties in the following suburbs may be experiencing low pressure or a water outage due to an unplanned network issue or scheduled maintenance.

Water quality

Learn how we manage our water supply from catchment to tap, ensuring that safe and reliable, high-quality drinking water is delivered to our community in the Lower Hunter.

Where does our water come from?

Our dams and sandbeds, and rivers throughout the Lower Hunter provide quality drinking water to our community. Learn more about where each of these water sources is located and find out some interesting facts about the sites.

Smart Water Choices

Smart Water Choices now apply, and are the Lower Hunter’s mandatory Permanent Water Conservation Measures.. Learn more about your responsibilities.

More information

How to save water

Water. It's our most valuable resource, and like all the things we love in life, we want to protect and treasure it. Learn how easy it is to save water in and around the home.