Protecting our water supply

We pride ourselves on managing a water supply that meets the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Our drinking water supplies are managed in line with the requirements of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Robust preventative measures are in place from catchment to tap to protect drinking water quality and public health.

Water is supplied from natural surface and groundwater water sources. It is then treated to remove impurities, disinfected to safeguard the microbial quality of the water and fluoridated for dental health (as required under State legislation).

Operational monitoring and process controls are in place at our water treatment plants and within the distribution system to protect water quality. The water is transported and stored within a closed distribution system to ensure that high quality drinking water is delivered to our customers.

National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA)

Sampling and analysis using a National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accredited lab is routinely undertaken at raw water sources, water treatment plants and from within the distribution system.

Did you know?

Water supplied by Hunter Water consistently meets the requirements of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Want to know about our water treatment processes?

Water is essential for our region to function. And because we want to create the most optimal supply possible, we have extensive processes in place to treat it. Read up on the steps involved in our water treatment processes and find out how we produce high-quality drinking water.

The journey from source to tap

We take care of your drinking water from catchment to tap, making sure that you receive the best quality possible.

Our drinking water sources

Drinking water sources within our area of operations include dams, ground water and rivers.

Water Treatment Plants

We ensure we meet the required drinking water guidelines by following a careful treatment process at our water treatment plants.

Tomago Sandbeds

Drinking water and COVID-19

There is no evidence that drinking water will be affected by coronavirus or that it is transmitted by drinking water.

Our treatment plants include robust processes to ensure that treated drinking water is of a very high quality and complies with the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Existing water treatment and disinfection processes, including the use of chlorine, are effective at destroying viruses in water supplies.