Innovative uses for water and wastewater

Our values reflect an innovative, leading culture which allows us to think about the delivery of our products and services in an innovative way. One of our guiding principles is to provide opportunities for our customers and community to explore additional service and product offerings with us.

We refer to these kinds of products and services as unregulated business services to use water or wastewater in an innovative way. These kinds of services would generally be provided outside our Customer Contract.

Types of requests

There are many ways we can deliver services in an innovative manner. Some examples could include:

  • access to treated wastewater from one of our wastewater treatment plants for industrial reuse or irrigation of green spaces
  • access to our infrastructure or land
  • access to raw water or raw wastewater (sewer mining)
  • discharging large quantities or out-of-spec trade waste that could cause Hunter Water’s breach of environmental licences or puts our people, customers or community at risk
  • supporting or on-selling water services to private network operations
  • business or industrial consumers who use >7.3ML of water per year across one or more sites

Requests can come from anyone, including existing large business customers, government agencies, energy producers, local councils, businesses, industry, developers, universities or private network operators (WIC Licencees).

We consider a range of factors before we progress these types of requests including innovation, benefit to our community, value for money, capacity to deliver, affordability and risk.

Next steps

If you think your request falls into this category, please complete the form below and we will be in touch.

We ask you for personal information so we can contact you about your enquiry and provide you with our services. We collect and store personal information to help us deliver and improve our services. Find out more in our Privacy Statement.

Enquiry type