
Stormwater is rainwater that falls in urban areas and runs off hard surfaces like roofs, roads, car parks, paths and driveways into stormwater drains.

Stormwater initially flows into small drains which lead to larger stormwater drains and eventually join large (trunk) channels, culverts or pipes that carry the water to creeks, lakes, rivers, harbours and the ocean. Our stormwater system is separate to the wastewater (sewerage) network; they each operate independently of one another.

The sewerage network transports waste from bathrooms, kitchens and laundries to sewerage treatment plants for treatment, whereas stormwater is fed into waterways in the environment.

What's in stormwater?

Stormwater is water that falls from the sky when we experience a wet weather event. Stormwater carries all the things that collect on hard surfaces, like roads, footpaths, driveways and roofs. Some examples of things in stormwater include, litter such as plastic bottles, food packaging and cigarette butts, oil and grease from cars, dirt, leaves, twigs, animal droppings and chemicals.

Our stormwater network

We maintain and operate approximately 92 kilometres of stormwater assets throughout the Lower Hunter region. Find out where these assets are located and how each system effectively transports stormwater.

Stormwater connections on your property

It is illegal to connect stormwater to your sewer system as this increases the flow in our sewer network during wet weather and can lead to overflows in the environment. Learn how to check your stormwater connection.

Caring for our waterways

There are many stormwater treatment devices Hunter Water and Council use to keep stormwater clean. However, the whole community also needs to play its part to prevent rubbish, sediment, chemicals and leaf matter entering the stormwater system.

Keeping stormwater clean

Learn more about some of the simple and easy behaviours you can do to keep our waterways clean.

Wet weather overflows

Significant rainfall can lead to wet weather overflows, where excess rainwater floods the stormwater network and enters the sewer system. Properties in low-lying or flood-prone areas are most at risk. Incorrect connections between stormwater and sewer systems can also cause these overflows.

If you experience a wet weather overflow at your property, please get in contact with us immediately on 1300 657 000 and we will send a crew to assist as soon as we can.

Learn more about caring for our waterways

Stormwater vs. wastewater

The water that goes down your sink, shower or toilet all goes to a sewer system and on to a sewerage treatment plant for treatment. The water that goes down your stormwater drain receives very little treatment.

Our stormwater devices

Learn more about floating booms, weirs and trash rack structures. All of which play a part in keeping our waterways clean.

Bulky rubbish in the stormwater system

The open stormwater channel can be a dumping ground for unwanted items and rubbish. Find out what you can do to make an impact.

Stay safe around stormwater

Stormwater channels, culverts and pipes can be dangerous places. It is important that you don’t go into the stormwater system even if the weather is fine. Stormwater systems are dangerous because:

  1. Water can rise quickly and unexpectedly, even when it's not raining in the local area.
  2. Huge amounts of water can suddenly wash into the drain when it does rain.
  3. You may not be able to get out of a stormwater system if you are swept away by the stormwater and it is possible that you could even drown.
  4. Even shallow water can be very powerful and could knock you over.
  5. Drains can contain pollution like broken glass, needles, dangerous chemicals and disease-causing bacteria.

During heavy rainfall areas can become flooded, including roads and footpaths. When areas are flooded it is important to keep away or make sure you can clearly see where you're walking. Do not drive through flooded areas.

Throsby Creek Government Agencies Committee

We are working together to further improve the environment of the Throsby Creek waterway and its surrounds and the amenity of the area for residents, visitors and commercial users.