What's in your water

Drinking water supplied by us is from natural surface and groundwater water sources, making it clean, safe and beneficial for health, hygiene and the wellbeing of our community.

The water is treated to remove impurities, disinfected to safeguard the microbial quality of the water and fluoridated for dental health (as required under State legislation). The water is then transported and stored within a closed, well-maintained distribution system to ensure that high-quality drinking water is delivered to our customers.

We have a comprehensive water quality monitoring program in place. Sampling and analysis by a National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accredited lab is routinely undertaken at raw water sources, water treatment plants and from within the distribution system.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

A child drinking from a bubbler

As required under our operating licence, water supplied by Hunter Water consistently meets the requirements of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Did you know?

A report summarising the quality of water supplied to our customers is published monthly on our website. View our monthly reports

Typical composition of treated water

This table shows the standard physical and chemical composition of treated water supplied by us.

Frequently asked questions

Want to know how we test our water quality?

Our drinking water quality program allows us to carefully and thoroughly monitor our supply.

Our drinking water sources

Drinking water sources within our area of operations include dams, ground water and rivers.

Water Treatment Plants

We ensure we meet the required drinking water guidelines by following a careful treatment process at our water treatment plants.