Information for businesses

We recognise that water is crucial to economic activity and community life and we are providing support to our business customers.

Under Smart Water Choices, the permanent water conservation measures for businesses are the same as those that apply to homes, however for our business customers there are additional expectations.

Major water users (i.e. those who use over 10 million litres (ML) as classified in the table below) will continue to develop a Water Efficiency Management Plan (WEMP) and implement any agreed actions within an existing WEMP. This will identify water savings within those businesses and identify where water is crucial to their operations.

If you are a business who uses less than 10 million litres (ML) of water a year (see the table below), you are required to comply with the general Smart Water Choices that apply to residential use.

The table below shows the responsibilities for the different level of water users.

Business customers Smart Water Choices Requirement What do I need to do?
Major customers who use more than 50 million litres (ML) per year. For example: manufacturing and mining Continue to implement WEMP Implement any agreed actions within the WEMP
Large customers who use more than 10 million litres (ML) per year. For example: aged care facilities, shopping centres, food production Continue to develop and implement WEMP Continue to develop and implement agreed actions within your WEMP
Business customers who use less than 10 million litres (ML) per year. For example: nurseries, landscapers, market gardeners, commercial growers, offices, cafes We encourage you to identify water saving measures within your business Identify how you can save water in your business using our fact sheets below

Exemptions for business

While the majority of customers should be able to accommodate Smart Water Choices, we recognise that some businesses rely on outdoor water use for continuity of operations.

Water use for critical business activities may be exempt.

Saving water in business fact sheets

Businesses who reduce water usage find they do not only save money on usage charges, but also on wastewater and energy costs.

The following fact sheets will give you valuable water-saving tips across your business.

Frequently asked questions

About Smart Water Choices


Bore water

Inside your business

Gardens and outdoors

