Stormwater connections on your property

It is illegal to connect your stormwater drainage to your sewer system as this increases the flow in our sewer network during wet weather and can lead to overflows in the environment

In the unlikely event of a sewer surcharge, your home's yard sink (often located on the outside wall of the kitchen or laundry) is designed to ensure the overflow occurs outside your home and not via your toilets and wash basins. Yard sinks are connected to the sewerage system and are not designed to collect any stormwater. It is illegal to connect or direct stormwater, including from down pipes into your yard sink.

How to check your stormwater connection

Help prevent wet weather overflows by ensuring that the stormwater system on your property is not connected to the sewerage network.

Inspect drainage points - check all drainage points on the outside of your property including roof gutters, downpipes and drains. Ensure they are connected or directed to the stormwater system and not the sewerage system.

If in doubt, get a professional like a licensed plumber to inspect your property's drainage systems. They can use specialised equipment to identify any improper connections. Hunter Water also regularly conducts smoke testing in the community. This involves blowing smoke into the sewer system and observing where it exits to identify any cross-connections.

If you suspect any issues, it's best to address them promptly to prevent any potential problems next time there is a wet weather event.

Smoke Testing Program

We are continuously working to improve the quality and reliability of our wastewater system. Inspections and maintenance are undertaken on an ongoing basis to help ensure a high quality service to customers.

Smoke testing is an effective and helpful way to:

  • show us if our wastewater maintenance hole is damaged
  • check for leaks in pipes and fixtures
  • locate cracked, broken or unsealed pipes or joints underground
  • find out if stormwater down pipes are incorrectly connected to the wastewater system.