23 September 2020

Supporting our community with expanded Love Water Grants program

The first round of applications has now opened for community groups and organisations to apply for a share in $160,000, as part of Hunter Water’s expanded Love Water Grants program.

The funding of water conservation and environmental initiatives continues to be a focus of the program, however this year the scope has been widened to provide additional support to local groups and organisations that have been impacted by COVID-19.

Minister for Water, Property and Housing Melinda Pavey welcomed the addition of two new categories into the assessment criteria.

“2020 has brought unprecedented challenges, with the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic felt by many across the Lower Hunter. As a major service provider in the region, Hunter Water has an important role to play in supporting the community through these tough times.

“I’m really pleased to see the introduction of the ‘customer hardship’ and ‘economic stimulus’ categories in this year’s Love Water Grants.

"I encourage local businesses, community groups and organisations to apply, with up to $10,000 in funding on offer."
Melinda Pavey, Minister for Water, Property and Housing
Managing Director Darren Cleary meeting with volunteers of the Warners Bay Community Garden. The community group received a $10,000 Love Water Grant in 2019.

Hunter Water Managing Director Darren Cleary said community projects funded by the Love Water Grants helped spread the value of saving our precious resource and making smart water choices.

“Our community has used 15 per cent less water than we expected over the past year, which is equivalent to saving the water use of 52,000 households. This is an outstanding result and shows how everyday behaviours and changes, whether big or small, make a difference.

“This includes water efficiency and sustainability initiatives implemented as a result of our grants program.

"The Love Water Grants are helping our community make smart water choices and it’s bringing us together."
Darren Cleary, Hunter Water Managing Director

“We’re proud to partner with and support our community through this program, as we work to ensure a resilient and sustainable water future,” said Mr Cleary.

Applications for round one close on Saturday 24 October, with round two due to open in February 2021.

Love Water Grants 2020-21

Find out more information or apply for our Love Water Grants.

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