1 October 2020

Smart Water Choices helping our community save water

Hunter Water is calling on the Lower Hunter community to make smart water choices in their everyday lives, to help save our precious resource this spring and summer.

These permanent water conservation measures replace Level 1 water restrictions from today.

Minister for Water, Property and Housing Melinda Pavey said smart water choices are simple, everyday behaviours that we can all do to save water in our homes.

"The severe drought may have eased in the Lower Hunter, but it’s important that everyone keeps making smart water choices so that we don’t return to our previous water use behaviours."
Melinda Pavey, Minister for Water, Property and Housing

“This is our new normal and we need to maintain these sensible water saving measures by only watering outdoors with a trigger nozzle hose before 10am and after 4pm and not hosing hard surfaces.

“The Lower Hunter community has shown its value for water. By working together we can preserve more water through summer to ensure we conserve this precious resource into the future.” said Mrs Pavey.

Executive Manager Customer Strategy and Retail Victor Prasad said there are plenty of other simple choices we can all make to love water, including inside the home.

“Reducing your shower time is one of the easiest and most effective ways to save water in your home, with showers making up more than a third of our daily water usage. Every minute less is a bucket of water saved so we recommend showering for 4 minutes or the length of your favourite song.

"Other simple choices such as waiting for a full load to use the dishwasher and washing machine, or fixing dripping taps and leaking toilets, can also add up to some big water savings."
Victor Prasad, Executive Manager Customer Strategy and Retail

“A few drips from a tap might not seem like much, but over the course of a few days or months, it’s easy to see how precious those few drops are.

“We’re calling on everyone in our community to help us conserve our precious resource in any way they can as we head into the warmer months. Level 1 water restrictions may have ended, but there are still many smart choices we can all make every day to save water,” said Mr Prasad.

Smart Water Choices

These simple, everyday choices will help our community maintain the great water saving behaviours demonstrated during water restrictions.

Love Water together

It's the simple choices we make. Now and forever, love water together.

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