12 April 2021

Why I work in water: Renny Chivunga

A true innovation champion, Renny Chivunga joined the Hunter Water team in early 2017 as a Water Network Engineer and has led the charge on a number of important projects, including recycled water.

Read on to learn more about her work as part of our 'Meet the team' series.

How did you come to work at Hunter Water and when?

I was given two Hunter Water contacts by HunterH2O Process Engineering Director Paul Thompson. A manager in the water planning team (Kirby Morrison) was very quick with responding to my desire to work for Hunter Water. His response, together with the kindness that was bestowed on me by Paul, meant the world to me. It provided an opportunity for me to step into a field of engineering that I consider to be my vocation on 12 January 2017.

What do you do here?

I work as a Water Network Engineer. The water network operations team describes themselves as the guardians of the recycled and drinking water systems. Among many other things, the team and I ensure recycled and drinking water arrives at our customers' taps at the highest quality. We are proud to supply Hunter Water’s finest and do so to honour the #LoveWater brand.

What are your proudest achievements in your career to date (either at Hunter Water or elsewhere)?

I had the responsibility of introducing recycled water to some customers within the Hunter Region for the first time. Oversight of training and applying some of the operational changes required to supply the highest quality recycled water is rewarding and empowering. It sets the stage for me to boldly step into more unchartered territories for the sake of enhancing customer experience, building trust and enabling regional development.

What’s an interesting fact about the area you work in?

Recycled water is supplied to customers in Chisholm and Gillieston Heights. At the end of 2021, customers in Thornton North will also join these schemes. This will provide over 1,140 customers with recycled water for the purpose of machine clothes washing, toilet flushing and watering gardens, which is a great precursor for reduced drinking water usage for these purposes.

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