31 May 2022

Love Water Grant winners revealed

Hunter Water has announced 14 recipients of its Love Water Grants program, totalling more than $100,000, following the strongest field of applicants ever received.

The one-off grants valued at up to $10,000 primarily support water conservation and efficiency initiatives, as well as projects with an education, environmental and sustainability focus.

Minister for Lands and Water Kevin Anderson said the Lower Hunter community has embraced making smart water choices.

“It’s clear from the record number and quality of applications Hunter Water received, that the local community values water and is serious about saving every drop,” Mr Anderson said.

“From irrigation systems, to water tank installations, community gardens and educational models – it’s fantastic to see a diverse range of projects promoting water conservation. Congratulations to the 14 successful recipients.”
Kevin Anderson, Minister for Lands and Water

Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter, Taylor Martin said the Hunter Water grants will provide additional support to the community.

“This is great news for the Hunter region and these 14 organisations who will be able to continue doing great work for their communities because of these grants,” Mr Martin said.

“I congratulate each one of the recipients for being conscious about saving precious water and planning for the future.”

Morpeth Men’s Shed is one of the recipients, that will use the grant funding to install self-watering garden beds to grow fruit and vegetables. Secretary Paul Lindeman said the organisation is thrilled and very grateful to receive a Love Water grant.

“Gardening is a great way for our members to interact and connect with each other. It’s important men don’t neglect their mental health and this project allows us to do something positive for their physical, social and emotional wellbeing, as well as expand our fruit and veggie production for use in our cooking classes and community barbeques,” Mr Lindeman said.

Hunter Water Managing Director Darren Cleary said the Morpeth Men’s Shed’s project captured what the Love Water Grants is all about.

“This project is a great example of enabling positive community outcomes, while also demonstrating the organisation’s commitment to saving water."
Darren Cleary, Hunter Water Managing Director

“Well done to all of the successful recipients. We’re proud to support our community as we work together to ensure we have a sustainable and resilient water future.”

Love Water Grants

Find out more about our flagship community funding program.

2022 Love Water Grants recipients
Eleebana Public School P&C Association - $5,000 - Interactive dry creek bed with drainage, underground reservoir and outdoor learning space.
Fern Bay Public School - $5,000 - Water tank and irrigation system.
Hunter Medical Research Institute - $10,000 - “Mobile poo palace” educational model used for students to understand the human body and wastewater.
Karuah Indigenous Corporation - $10,000 - Installation of 33 small water tanks for each home for the Karuah Mission community.
Lake Macquarie City Council - $4,300 - Four co-branded water bottle refill stations for events.
Lake Macquarie Sustainable Neighbourhood Alliance Inc -$10,000 - Lake Mac Tiny Forest Initiative.
Morisset High School - $7,400 - SMART waterwise irrigation system to be installed in the school’s established horticulture shed.
Morpeth Men’s Shed Inc. - $7,420 - Installation of wicking garden beds.
Novacare Community Services Limited - $4,926 - Two water tanks for a community garden project.
Salamander Bay Recycling Centre - $8,280 - Rain water tank for harvesting.
Stanford Merthyr Infants School - $1,195 - Installation of water tank.
Tanilba Foreshore Hall a 355c Committee of Port Stephens Council - $9,955 - Installation of a water tank as well as required accessories to allow toilets to be connected to tank water.
Waratah Public School - $10,000 - Rainwater tank and irrigation project to protect the threatened Wallum Banksia species.
West Wallsend Public School - $6,938 - Three water tanks positioned throughout the school to support vegetable garden, excess water overflows and Aboriginal garden and yarning circle.

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