23 October 2021

'Love Water Day' highlights how Smart Water Choices make a big difference

Hunter Water has launched a new phase of our successful Love Water campaign, reminding the community that if every person in the Lower Hunter reduced their shower time by one minute, nearly six million litres would be saved across the region in just a single day.

This is enough water to supply 35 households for an entire year.

Taking shorter showers is just one everyday habit residents and businesses are being encouraged to make as Hunter Water celebrates its second annual Love Water Day on Saturday (23 October).

The online event again aims to raise awareness of water conservation heading into summer and highlight how the community can make Smart Water Choices and to encourage everyone to share their creative ways to save water in and around their homes and businesses.

Love Water Day ambassador, Mitch Revs, a well-known local artist and keen surfer, said the community, working together, will help make substantial changes and keep our water storages fuller for longer, now and for future generations.

“My partner Emily and I leave little jars and containers around the garden to collect rainwater for our indoor plants and I actually also use rainwater to rinse my wetsuits.

“It might only seem like a small gesture but, if we all make Smart Water Choices part of our everyday habits then, together, we can make a big difference when it comes to conserving our precious resource,” said Mr Revs.

Love Water Day is a local highlight event during National Water Week (18-24 October), with this year’s theme, ‘Caring for Water and Country’, celebrating the vital and cultural role water plays in all our lives.

It also aims to deepen the understanding of Australian First Nations people’s knowledge in protecting and sustaining water and land for more than 65,000 years.

Hunter Water Managing Director, Darren Cleary, said the organisation has launched a new phase of its successful Love Water campaign during National Water Week to encourage us all to think of the value of water in our lives and how to make smart choices in how we use it.

“Even though recent wet weather is keeping our water storages in good shape, we all know how quickly our region’s water supply can run low when it turns dry.
Darren Cleary, Hunter Water Managing Director

“On a hot summer’s day, we can lose as much in evaporation at the region’s dams as we use across the community.

“That’s why it’s important to save for summer,” said Mr Cleary.

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