12 May 2021

Irrigation projects to improve water use efficiency

Multiple moisture sensors are indicating when and how much irrigation is required across Lower Hunter sporting fields under a combined Hunter Water and Maitland City Council initiative to improve water use efficiency.

A recently completed irrigation development at John Wilkinson Sports Complex, Bolwarra, follows other finished projects at A & D Lawrence Oval and Somerset Park, Thornton, as well as Maitland Park and Coronation Oval, Telarah.

The new irrigation installations have a centralised control system with multiple moisture sensors installed in the ground at all sites.

These sensors provide soil moisture information to the control system, which helps maintain optimum levels for grass growth.

Hunter Water Group Manager Water Conservation and Revenue, Ardie Morris, praised Maitland City Council for its sustainable approach to irrigation.

“This is a great opportunity to work with Maitland City Council, which shares our focus on building water resilience in our region.

“This means, in times of water scarcity, we can still support the health and wellbeing of our community with green open spaces and sporting fields.”
Ardie Morris, Group Manager Water Conservation and Revenue

Maitland City Council’s Operations Manager Recreation Works, Caine James, said the council was pleased to align itself with Hunter Water to continue its ambition of making irrigation water usage sustainable for the future.

“The new automated systems used in the irrigation projects undertaken across Maitland will not only ensure an efficient use of water, but will also provide greater support to volunteers from local sporting clubs to maintain the areas,” said Mr James.

Apart from Maitland, Hunter Water is also working with other major customers and councils across its area of operations to implement sustainable practices that will reduce water consumption and preserve this precious resource.

To find out more about our partnerships and projects, visit our Smart Water Choices page.

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