27 March 2024

Hunter Water reaches scent-sational milestone during $10 million-dollar upgrade to Toronto Wastewater Treatment Works

Hunter Water is investing over $10 million to upgrade the Toronto Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW) to safely and reliably meet local population growth, reduce odour and protect the environment.

Following a successful overhaul of the WWTW’s high-voltage electrical equipment, the project has reached a key milestone with a new, state-of-the-art odour control unit (OCU) at the facility now up and running.

Hunter Water Executive Manager Customer Delivery, Glen Robinson, is confident the upgrades will provide lasting benefits to the community. 

"These upgrades to Toronto WWTW, in particular, the new state-of-the-art odour control unit, will significantly improve the capture and treatment of wastewater-related odours.

"As a business, we're doing everything we can to minimise community impact from our assets – particularly odours," Mr Robinson said.  

The upgrade to Toronto WWTW has involved three stages over three years, starting in August 2021 and is slated to be complete by the middle of 2024.

"We want to ensure the treatment works can continue to service the local community into the future. These upgrades will increase capacity and performance, reduce odours and meet modern safety and environmental standards.

“We will also be able to use treated recycled water onsite, reducing our reliance on drinking water to service the WWTW’s process requirements," Mr Robinson said.  

With the odour control unit project complete, Hunter Water teams are now upgrading the facility's aeration tanks to enable the treatment of wastewater to a consistent standard within the plant.  

"While we can't guarantee a 100% odour-free environment, we're confident the work we've completed will improve the amenity of the surrounding area whilst providing reliable services for our customers" Mr Robinson said.

Built in 1992, the Toronto WWTW serves the area from Teralba to Wangi Wangi on the western side of Lake Macquarie, including the townships of Marmong Point, Bolton Point, Toronto and Rathmines. It currently treats six megalitres per day and can handle wastewater from a population of up to 42,000 people.

To learn more about the project, head to hunterwater.com.au/Toronto 

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