2 November 2021

Hunter Water customers switch to the smarter way to pay

Hunter Water customers are making the switch to the smarter and easier way to pay their bills with the organisation launching eBilling, designed to be quick, convenient and better for the environment.

After registering on Hunter Water’s My Account system customers have convenient, 24/7 access, with the option to view and download bills, pay online, update contact details, and elect a preference for receiving bills, letters, and reminder notices.

Hunter Water Managing Director, Darren Cleary, said launching eBilling is part of the organisation’s approach to making more services available online and to meet the expectations of how customers want to do business with Hunter Water.

“eBilling is yet another step in our goal to deliver services our customers can access anytime, anywhere.
Darren Cleary, Hunter Water Managing Director

“We want to make doing business with us as easy as possible. By signing up via My Account to activate eBilling, you can get your bill delivered straight to your email inbox and remove the need for paper bills.

“Since opening My Account registrations, more than 5,000 customers already enjoy the convenience of paperless eBilling. We encourage other customers to sign up, which takes less than a minute to do.

“If 20 per cent of our customers (47,000) switch to eBilling, that would help save 1.6 tonnes of paper every year, boosting our overall efforts towards sustainable practices,” said Mr Cleary.

To switch to eBilling, customers will just need a recent Hunter Water bill handy to input their account number and postcode in the My Account portal.

Choose the smarter way to pay. Click here to make the switch.

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