30 June 2022

Hunter Water celebrates 130 years of service

Hunter Water is celebrating its 130th anniversary of serving the Lower Hunter community, helping it to grow into the thriving and prosperous region it is today.

Minister for Lands and Water, Kevin Anderson said Hunter Water’s role in providing access to safe, clean and reliable drinking water has played an important part in the Lower Hunter’s history.

“Congratulations to Hunter Water on this amazing milestone. It’s wonderful to recognise and celebrate how far Hunter Water has come in serving the region and its community over the past 130 years.”
Kevin Anderson, Minister for Lands and Water

“The Hunter is Australia’s largest regional economy, valued at over $40 billion per year. Water is the precious resource that enables this flourishing economy, supports a growing population and sustains a healthy natural environment.

“In its 130th year, the future is clear as Hunter Water delivers against the priorities and actions in the Lower Hunter Water Security Plan, to set the region up for even more success,” said Mr Anderson.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter, Taylor Martin, said Hunter Water has worked consistently in recent years to put its customers across the region at the centre of its decision-making.

“As custodians of the region’s water supply, Hunter Water is deeply committed to ensuring a secure water supply for the Lower Hunter particularly as the region faces the challenges of a growing population, an expanding economy and a variable climate,” said Mr Martin.

“Water is central and essential to the region’s future growth and to care for the unique Lower Hunter environment. All who work at Hunter Water should be justifiably proud of being such a valued partner in helping to deliver the aspirations of the region."
Taylor Martin, Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter

“Congratulations to Hunter Water and the Lower Hunter on this momentous anniversary and best wishes for the next 130 years,” said Mr Martin.

Our history

The Hunter Water that exists today has had a long and rich history from its humble beginnings in the 1880s when water was first delivered to Newcastle from a temporary pumping station on the Hunter River at Oakhampton.

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