1 April 2021

Goats recruited to detect hidden leaks

In an Australian first, Hunter Water has employed special working goats to detect leaks with their incredible noses.

Aptly-named Drip and Drop, the domesticated animals, possibly Angora in breed, were spotted sniffing around a random property in the Hunter Valley town of Broke earlier last year.

They were then snuck in to train alongside Sydney Water’s talented hunting pedigree puppies, Winnie and Ziggy, in a bid to reduce water leakage across our network.

It’s believed no other water utility around the world has employed goats that can detect leaks and odours at such a low level, with Drip and Drop capable of identifying sewage in minute concentrations.

Hunter Water hopes this is simply the start of a long and prosperous partnership with the Australian goat industry.

Just kidding!

It might be April Fools’ Day, but leaks are no joke.

That is why we’ve invested heavily in reducing water losses and leakage in our network.

We have increased the priority given to repairing leaks and breaks, surveyed our entire 5,000-kilometre water network each year, and deployed a range of smart technology to help us find hidden leaks.

Our water is precious and our community is the eyes and ears of our water supply network.

Your quick reporting of a water leak can help reduce water loss and wastage.

You may not be a goat but, if you see a leak and report it, that’s pretty great in our books!

Help us by reporting water leaks.

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