Education key under biggest ever Love Water grants program
Children’s education programs, a recycled water wash bay and irrigation pump upgrades are among 14 successful projects that will share almost $80,000 under round two of Hunter Water’s 2020/21 Love Water grants program.
The one-off grants are valued up to $10,000 and will help fund a range of water conservation and efficiency projects, as well as education, environmental and sustainability initiatives.
Minister for Water, Property and Housing, Melinda Pavey, said an expanded 2020/21 Love Water grants program had distributed a total of $200,000 to 34 recipients across the two rounds to assist the local community as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The economic impact of COVID-19 is still being felt within our community and these grants will enable local groups and organisations to continue their valued work, while also helping them to make smart water choices.
“It was pleasing to see so many high-quality applications in round two of the biggest ever Love Water grants program, with a strong focus on water conservation infrastructure, education, and community advocacy.”
Hunter Water Managing Director, Darren Cleary, said the large number of applications showed the community was embracing the Love Water message.
“While we haven’t been able to fund all of the applications in the program, we were able to increase our contribution to the number of projects, which meant that funding was shared further across the community,” Mr Cleary said.
“One of our latest recipients, the Wyee Hub, is a not-for-profit organisation that will use rainwater to support economically-stressed families with washing and cleaning clothes.
“Our $9,000 grant will help the hub to buy and install three 25,000-litre tanks, as well as pressure pumps, which will provide free water for each use.
“We were also able to identify other opportunities throughout the process, such as education partnerships, that would assist with generating more advocacy within the community and add value to projects.
“Our Love Water grants program highlights the importance of working together to make smart water choices, which will ensure we have a resilient and sustainable water future.”
Click here for more information about the Love Water grants program.