6 August 2024

Diary of a Hunter Water work experience student: Issy

We recently hosted Issy for a week of work experience and asked her a few questions about her work experience at Hunter Water:

Why did you choose Hunter Water to host your experience?
The key reason it was good to do a week of work experience at Hunter Water is because I was able to gain an understanding of how engineers work in real-life as I am interested in pursing a career in engineering. It was also great to come to Hunter Water as my dad is the Executive Manager of Customer Services, so I already had some understanding of what work life was like.

What were your key highlights during your week?
Things I have experienced included:

  • Visited the reservoirs around Newcastle
  • Learning about how the two dams (Chichester and Grahamstown) operate.
  • Visiting the EMM, saw the pump station and how they repair pumps.
  • Learnt about the wastewater treatment plant at Tomago.
  • Visited a pump station and construction sites.
  • Looked at four storm water drains and how they work.

Has your perspective on Hunter Water changed after your work experience?
Through these experiences in the past week, my perspective has changed on how Hunter Water operates and delivers their services. Gaining more understanding on how water gets to our house and around the city, as well as how the wastewater system works and all of the details in between.

Hunter Water staff members have innovative ideas which are brought to life to make sewer treatment and water management better for the Hunter region. I have learnt that there are a lot of passionate people who love what they do and are very clever at it as well. In the future, I could see myself working in the Civil Engineering or Mechanical/Electrical Engineering teams in Hunter Water.

Issy Hingston

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