22 March 2021

Community advice for wet weather event

The heavy rainfall has put pressure on our system, with widespread downpours across our area of operations.

Heavy rain events, like the one we're experiencing, lead to stormwater and debris infiltrating the wastewater system and can cause overflows. It's because of this that we're advising our community to avoid swimming in local beaches and waterways for two days after the heavy rain eases.

These overflow points are designed to help our system cope with an influx of water and are located at various parts of our network that will have the least impact on our customers, community and the environment.


For more information on swimming conditions at the Hunter's beaches.

Current faults and outages

For information on current outages or to report an issue, contact our team.

Water storage levels

View a snapshot of our current storage levels, understand our community's water use and learn how you can play your part to protect our precious resource.

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