Calls for continued conservation as drought conditions remain
Hunter Water is encouraging the Lower Hunter community to keep up the great work and continue saving water during winter, with the region still experiencing drought conditions.
Despite receiving some decent rain since February, our water storages are in the same position as they were this time last year, with levels just below 70 per cent capacity.
Minister for Water, Property and Housing, Melinda Pavey said while it’s been welcome to have some rain after months of severe drought, unfortunately it has largely missed our catchment areas and has failed to create enough runoff to refill our dams and groundwater storages.
“Level 1 water restrictions remain in place and it wasn’t long ago that the region’s dams had reached an almost 40-year low of 52 per cent, triggering the introduction of Level 2 water restrictions,” Mrs Pavey said.
“It’s really important that we all play our part and keep up the great water saving behaviours that have been demonstrated so far.
“By continuing to save water this winter, we will put ourselves in the best position possible at the start of spring and hopefully avoid the need for more severe water restrictions down the track.”
Water Resilience Program Director, Emma Berry, said the Lower Hunter’s efforts to conserve water had been outstanding since the start of water restrictions last September.
“Our customers and community continue to Love Water by using almost 20 per cent less than expected, given the weather conditions.
“This is a fantastic result and we’re really proud of the way in which everyone has rallied in support by making small changes to their water use behaviour.
“Reducing your shower times continues to be one of the most effective ways to save water. Every minute less is a bucket of water saved. Not only do shorter showers use less water, but it may also help you save on the costs of heating.
“Other easy ways to save water include using a trigger nozzle to water your garden before 10am and after 4pm, waiting for a full load before doing washing and scraping your dishes instead of rinsing prior to putting them in the dishwater. Every little bit counts and will help us conserve our precious drinking water supplies,” said Ms Berry.
Water saving tips
For more information on ways you can Love Water.