19 October 2020

Calls for community to celebrate first Love Water Day

Hunter Water is calling on the Lower Hunter community to help celebrate its first Love Water Day this Saturday 24 October, by posting on social media how they value our precious resource.

The online event, which takes place during National Water Week, aims to raise awareness of water conservation and draw attention to the smart water choices we make in our homes and businesses.

Minister for Water, Property and Housing Melinda Pavey said Love Water Day is a great opportunity to celebrate the amazing work that the Lower Hunter community has done, and continues to do, to save water.

“Over the past year, they have consumed almost 15 per cent less water than expected, which has saved the same amount of water used in 52,000 households,” said Mrs Pavey.

“The region is a leading example of how we can all make smart water choices in our everyday lives to drive down our usage and help contribute to a more sustainable water future.”
Melinda Pavey, Minister for Water, Property and Housing

Hunter Water Managing Director Darren Cleary encouraged residents and businesses to get involved on Love Water Day.

“This Saturday we’re asking residents and businesses to show us the water saving choices they make by posting a photo or short video on Facebook or Instagram, tagging @ourhunterwater and using the hash tags #LoveWater and #LoveWaterDay.

“We know our community is smart in how it uses water, whether it’s by watering their garden to avoid the hottest part of the day, taking shorter showers, scraping dishes instead of rinsing them or fixing leaks around their homes.“
Darren Cleary, Hunter Water Managing Director

“It’s important that we maintain these water saving behaviours, particularly as we head into summer, and ensure that we’re saving our precious resource now and for future generations,” said Mr Cleary.

Help us celebrate Love Water Day by:

  • Posting a photo or short video on Facebook or Instagram to show how you love water
  • Tag @OurHunterWater in your caption
  • Use the hash tags #LoveWater, #LoveWaterDay and #NationalWaterWeek

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