5 August 2020
Are you interested in helping shape Hunter Water's strategic direction?
Hunter Water is seeking expressions of interest to join its Customer and Community Advisory Group (CCAG).
The CCAG meets quarterly on a Tuesday morning and includes representatives from across the Greater Newcastle and Lower Hunter region. The CCAG helps inform Hunter Water's strategic programs and direction, planning, decision making and operational responses, providing valuable two-way feedback on a range of important issues.
Consistent with the CCAG Charter, we are seeking EOIs for representatives with any of the following backgrounds:
- Business
- Organisations representing low income households
- Customers living in rural and urban fringe areas
- Residential customers
- Local government
- Pensioners
- Customers with disabilities
- First Nations people and Indigenous Australians
- Customers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
- Residential consumers, and/or
- Environmental groups.
Learn more about the CCAG and download the Membership Nomination Form
The EOI closes Monday 17 August 2020.