Tankered waste

Tankered waste contractors play an important role in the community by removing liquid wastes from residential, commercial and industrial premises.

The acceptance of tankered waste requires careful management to ensure that the water is safely received and treated to a standard which meets our environmental discharge licences at the receiving treatment plant.

We are committed to providing a service to safely receive and treat tankered waste from approved sources.

Before you can discharge tankered waste at one of our treatment plants. you will need to have an agreement with us. Follow our three step process below to register for a new tanker agreement or update your current agreement.

How to set up an agreement with us

  1. Complete an application

    Complete an application form and email us or post it to:
    Tanker Coordinator
    PO Box 5171
    HRMC NSW 2310

    Payment of the application fee is required once you have lodged your application.
  2. Complete Veolia site induction

    All tanker drivers entering our wastewater treatment works are required to complete a formal Veolia safety induction. Each driver will need to register and complete the generic and site specific induction. Register now for a site induction.
  3. Register your vehicle to use our e-docket application

    All tankered waste disposals are required to be submitted using our electronic e-docket system. Submit an e-docket.

Submit your Tankered e-docket now

Already registered? Head to our online e-docket system to submit your tankered waste dockets.

Mobile Phone

Discharging outside of business hours

Our tanker approved treatment plants accept tankered discharge between the hours of 7am and 3pm (Monday to Friday). If you wish to discharge outside of these times, contact our team.

Can I discharge from outside Hunter Water operations?

We will not accept waste from outside our operating area without prior written approval. View our area of operations map or contact us to discuss approval requirements.

Thirsty for more advice?

If you need more advice on submitting a e-docket , discharging outside of business hours or you need to register your vehicle, get your questions answered by contacting our team.