What are your pre-treatment requirements?
Most commercial and industrial businesses require pre-treatment before their wastewater can enter the sewerage system.
Hunter Water continues to follow the actions in its Dam Safety Emergency Plan, as the water level recedes at Chichester Dam.
For more informationWater supply has been restored to our customers, however some may experience low pressure. If issues persist, please call our team on 1300 657 000. As a precaution, it is advised people avoid swimming in beaches (including ocean baths) and waterways for at least two days after heavy rain.
For more informationTrade waste is all non-human liquid waste generated on commercial properties that’s discharged to our sewerage system. It includes liquid waste such as grease, oils and chemicals.
If you own a business that generates trade waste you will need some form of pre-treatment and a trade waste permit. See below for more information.
Most commercial and industrial businesses require pre-treatment before their wastewater can enter the sewerage system.
Your application and deed outline the terms and conditions trade wastewater discharge will be accepted.
If you have purchased a new business that you think may generate trade waste, we recommend purchasing a Trade Waste Search which will inform you of any existing trade waste activity on a property.
Trade waste from businesses can: