General enquiry

Here's links to common forms our customers enquire about.

Pension rebates

Check eligibility and claim your pension rebate.

Direct debit

Set up or manage a direct debit quickly and securely in to My Account.

Update your contact details

Log into My Account and go to the ‘Details’ tab to update the account email address, mobile number and postal address.

Get a copy of your bills

Log into My Account and go to the ‘Bills’ tab to view your bills.

Is your bill higher than normal?

Learn more about why your bill may be higher than expected.

Request a payment extension

Log into My Account and request a payment extension on the ‘Pay options’ tab.

Need to report a water or sewer fault?

Call us immediately on 1300 657 000 if you see a moderate or major water leak, a leak causing harm or property damage or a sewer overflow on your property or on the street.

Only minor water leaks on the street or public property, water meters, hydrants or stop valves can be reported online.

Use this form to enquire about:

  • Buying, selling or renting
  • Development enquiries
  • Make a general enquiry

As per our Privacy Statement, the personal information we collect in this form is used to deliver you our services, which includes responding to your submission and evaluating your feedback to help us improve.

Tell us about your enquiry

Property details




Here are some common reasons why your bill might be higher than normal.

Before you contact us, here are some checks we need you to make


Check the meter reading on your bill is correct

You can do this by reading your water meter and comparing the reading with what is on your account.

Learn how to read your meter

Check if you have a water leak

Reading your water meter is the important first step that we take to calculate and issue your bill.

Learn how to check for leaks

Are you

Buyers and sellers please note:

Unlike other utilities such as gas and electricity, we don’t disconnect and reconnect water and sewerage services when people move in and out of a property. Our services stay connected and simply transfer from the seller to the buyer when the property changes hands.

This means buyers and sellers don’t need to contact us to have their water and sewerage services disconnected or reconnected. They do need to do a few simple things to make the property settlement process as smooth as possible.

Please direct any questions about the settlement payment to your conveyancing solicitor as they calculate the fees and charges payable up to settlement date. 

Tip: Find out more about what you need to do when buying and selling.

Tenants and landlords please note:

If you are moving in or out of a rental property, you don't need to let us know as we do not do a final read of a water meter. This is because we don't disconnect and reconnect water and sewerage services when people move in and out of a property. The water and sewerage account for the property is always in the owner's name.

Please direct any questions to your real estate or landlord.

Tip: Find out more about what landlords and tenants need to do.

Would you still like to send a buying and selling request?
Would you still like to send a tenant or landlord request?

Contact us report a water or sewer emergency or call us on 1300 657 000.

Your contact details

Provide us with your details so we can get in touch with you if we need further information to help us with your request.

Would you like us to contact you regarding your enquiry?

Please upload any supporting files or photos (if applicable)

If possible, please keep total uploads to under 10MB.

Drag and drop files or photos here or click to upload


    This online form is monitored between the hours of 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).

    If you have an urgent request, we advise you to call our 24-hour emergencies and faults hotline on 1300 657 000.

    General enquiries process

    For all general enquiries, please contact us through our online enquiry forms, via email, post, telephone or in person at one of our offices.