Tanilba Bay Wastewater Treatment Works Upgrade

We're upgrading the Wastewater Treatment Works to improve the performance of the plant and meet the projected population growth for the area between now and 2040.

Fast facts

Location: Lemon Tree Passage Road, Tanilba Bay

Project Duration: 2020 - 2022


The Tanilba Bay WWTW was commissioned in 1994 to service Mallabula, Lemon Tree Passage and Tanilba Bay.

Community benefits

The upgrade of Tanilba Bay WWTW will improve treatment processes and the overall treated wastewater will be of a higher quality. It will also meet new limits set by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and ensure the plant caters for population growth.

All efforts will be made to minimise the inconvenience to the community. However, there may be some temporary changes to traffic and some increase in noise in the local area whilst the work is been completed.

Thirsty for more information?

Contact us if you would like to learn more about the Tanilba Bay WWTW upgrade.