Seaham Weir Refurbishment and Modification Project

We're upgrading Seaham Weir on the Williams River to improve safety, enable effective management of water flow, maintain the weir pool's water levels and improve fish passage.

About the Weir

The Seaham Weir is located on the Williams River, 600m north east of the Seaham township.

The Weir is more than 50 years old and consists of a rock weir, concrete spillway, flow control gates and a fishway. The Weir structure crosses the Williams River creating a large pool protected from tidal saline water. The Weir pool is an important freshwater source that feeds into Grahamstown Dam, providing drinking water to the communities of Newcastle and the Lower Hunter.

Project Objectives

The works will include:

  • safety and compliance refurbishment of the existing weir gates
  • installing four new low flow weir gates on the eastern side of the Weir to allow smaller releases of water when needed
  • installing a new fishway on the eastern side of the Weir for improved fish passage both up and down the River.

This project is part of Hunter Water’s program to replace and upgrade water and wastewater-related assets across the Region. Hunter Water looks forward to continually improving the infrastructure that delivers quality outcomes for both the community and the environment in which we live.

Project Timeline

The refurbishment works were completed in April 2023 with the construction of the new low flow gates and fishway was completed in December 2023.

The commissioning of the new fishway gates is expected to be completed by mid-2024.

Some further landscaping improvements are also planned for completion in late 2024.

Frequently asked questions

Thirsty for more information?

Contact us if you would like to learn more about the Seaham Weir Refurbishment and Modification Project.