Belmont Water Mains

We are planning to build two new water mains to distribute the treated water from the planned Belmont Desalination Plant to our customers and network.

These water mains will provide additional drinking water to eastern Lake Macquarie communities as they grow into the future and increase water security within the wider network during drought conditions.

The new water mains will connect the Belmont Desalination Plant into two existing trunk water mains in Belmont South and Jewells:

  • Southern: connection from the desalination plant to the water main at the intersection of Hudson Street and Williams Street, Belmont South
  • Northern: connection to the water main north of the Pacific Highway on Murray Street, Jewells.

The southern water main will also allow us to provide water to the desalination plant while under construction.

Project benefits

This project is part of Hunter Water’s program to ensure our region has a sustainable and resilient water system, both now and for the future.

The new water mains and associated infrastructure is a significant investment so that we can:

  • provide a safe, reliable and efficient water supply to the Eastern Lake Macquarie community while providing for growth beyond 2035
  • transfer drinking water from the proposed Belmont desalination plant to our customers and network.

Project timeline

Our contractor Diona is due to start on the southern water main from September 2024. The project should be completed in mid 2025, assuming the weather is fine and there are no major issues.

Construction impacts – southern connection

The work will start on Ocean Park Road at the Belmont Desalination Plant site and work towards Williams Street, Belmont South.

The construction on Ocean Park Road is predominantly on the side of the road and will have minimal impact on the local community as road access will be maintained throughout. Residents in Williams Street will be kept up to date with any temporary impacts to driveway entries and street access as construction progresses.

During construction of the watermain local residents will notice:

  • additional vehicles and machinery in the area
  • construction noise
  • minor changes to traffic arrangements.

Resident’s water supply will be maintained for the duration of the work, with an overnight outage expected during the connection process. We will notify properties affected by this ahead of the outage.

Review of Environmental Factors

This project has been assessed in accordance with the environmental impact assessment requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

The following Review of Environmental Factor (REF) describes the proposed works, assesses the potential construction and operation environmental impacts, and identifies our safeguards to mitigate any identified impacts.

Thirsty for more information?

Contact us if you would like to learn more about the Belmont Water Mains Project.