Managing trade waste

What is trade waste?

Trade waste is all non-human liquid waste generated on commercial properties that’s discharged to our sewerage system. It includes liquid waste such as grease, oils and chemicals.

If you own a business that generates trade waste you will need some form of pre-treatment and a trade waste permit. See below for more information.

Apply for a trade waste permit

Have you purchased a new business?

If you have purchased a new business that you think may generate trade waste, we recommend purchasing a Trade Waste Search which will inform you of any existing trade waste activity on a property.

Why do we manage trade waste?

Trade waste from businesses can:

  • Create hazardous gases such as hydrogen sulfide and methane which is a safety hazard for those working in and around the sewerage system.
  • Damage sewerage infrastructure as hydrogen sulfide is corrosive.
  • Cause blockages and 'fatbergs' in the sewerage network from the oils, grease and solids.
  • Upset the treatment process and damage pumps.
  • Pollute the environment and waterways if untreated.
  • Impact downstream recycling of water and reuse of biosolids.

Trade waste charges

To recover the cost of managing the additional load that trade waste imposes on the sewerage system, trade waste charges apply.

Frequently asked questions