Compliance audits

Our trade waste officers can enter a customer's property at any time to check trade wastewater discharge and deed conditions.

The terms and conditions in a trade wastewater deed have been specified with consideration given to the protection of the sewerage system, as well as addressing work, health, safety and environmental concerns.

Your role in the audit process

You may be consulted to give advice or engaged to carry out plumbing and drainage works by our customers. It is important for them to understand their responsibilities and ensure adequate systems are in place to ensure compliance with the conditions for discharge.

We have outlined below the types of compliance audits we undertake. We encourage you to discuss these audits with your clients.

Customer audit program

A component of our risk management strategy includes a risk based customer audit program and includes random site visits by our trade waste officers to:

  1. Take samples to check the quality of the wastewater discharge.
  2. Ensure treatment processes and equipment are properly maintained and operating correctly and that the property is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Trade Wastewater Deed.


Thirsty for more advice?

If you need more advice on trade waste water, deeds or compliance audits, get your questions answered by contacting our team.