Growth infrastructure

We have a number of strategies in place to support good development in the Lower Hunter region for years to come. Learn more about our Growth Plan and the funding initiatives available.

Enabling good development in the Lower Hunter region is a strategic priority for Hunter Water.

Our growth plan

We publish a Growth Plan annually which includes detailed maps showing the likely time frame for new developments in the Lower Hunter, which assist us in determining funding categories under the Standard.

Our growth maps

Our Funding of Growth Infrastructure process

To help support this objective, we will repay developers the cost for appropriately sized water and sewer infrastructure that meets our funding and procurement requirements. Refer to our Guidelines for Funding and Procuring Assets for detail on the process.

Our four step process

  1. Submit your application
    You will need to complete an application for developer delivered contribution. If successful, a commercial offer letter will be sent to you and a funding deed will need to be executed by both the developer and Hunter Water.

    A procurement plan will only be required where you are requesting to deviate from our minimum procurement requirements.

    Application for Developer delivered Contribution
  2. Design Tender Evaluation
    We will then assess your submitted design tender evaluation report and issue you with a notice outlining the agreed outcome of the evaluation process.

    * If you are requesting funding for the design phase as well as the construction phase you will need to use the Tender Evaluation Report and the Tender Evaluation worksheet templates for both steps 2 and 3.

    View our Register of Accredited Design Consultants
  3. Construction Tender Evaluation
    We will then assess your submitted construction tender evaluation report and a pre-construction infrastructure contribution notice will be sent to you outlining the agreed outcome of the evaluation process.

    View our Register of Accredited Construction Contractors
  4. Project Finalisation
    Once steps 1-3 have been completed, a final infrastructure contribution sum notice will be sent to you confirming the final agreed value of the works.

    * Thereafter, in order to make a claim, invoices can be emailed to us alongside the associated Section 50 Compliance Certificate for the stage of works completed.