What are you here to do?

Land Development

We aim to provide high quality water and wastewater to new land developments and subdivisions as part of our services. Here we take you through the guidelines you'll need to follow when developing new land and subdivisions.

Find Accredited Suppliers

We value our network of professionals who work alongside us in assisting the Lower Hunter. Here is where you can find a list of accredited designers, certifiers and or constructors for your development.

Growth Infrastructure

We have a number of strategies in place to support good development in the Lower Hunter region for years to come. Learn more about our Growth Plan and the funding initiatives available.

First Time Developer?

We've made it easier for first-time developers to obtain the certificates and approvals they'll need to get construction underway. Follow our simple steps so you can start on your development.

Developer Charges

Developer Charges are location-specific charges that Hunter Water requires developers to pay prior to issue of a Section 50 Compliance Certificate for a specific development.

Additional services

Building Plan Stamping

Our online system allows you to submit a number of building services applications online in the one location, making it easy for you to business with us.

Building over our assets

There are many conditions to building over our assets. Find out what these conditions are and the applications you'll need to submit to have your construction plans reviewed.

Hunter Water Developer Forum

A range of industry professionals from developers to designers and our key partners, join us each year for the inaugural Development Forum. Watch our 2019 highlights.

Subscribe to Developer eNews

As part of our ongoing engagement strategy with our development community, Hunter Water issues a regular eNewsletter to provide updates on upcoming events, changes to standards as well as relevant industry information.