Building plan stamping

Our online system allows you to submit a number of building services applications online in the one location, making it easy for you to business with us.

Here is some essential information you need to know before using our online system.

What do you need?

If you are planning on building and/or developing your property you will need to submit a full set of your development plans (including a site plan) for approval to ensure there is no impact on our assets.

What happens after I submit my plans?

We will assess your plans and if it is determined there is no impact on our assets your site plan will be stamped and returned to you. Typically, this will take 3 business days. You will then be ready submit to your local council or certifying authority.

If it is determined that you will be building over or within 1.5m from the centre of a manhole or you will be building within a Hunter Water Easement, your plans will not be approved and you will need to resubmit amended plans for assessment. Further information on this can be found here.

Plans submitted for any development other than a stand-alone dwelling (e.g. a granny flat, duplex or commercial building) will also require a Development Assessment Application to be submitted for further assessment. We cannot stamp your plans without having this application submitted.

What happens if I am within the zone of influence?

If it is determined that you are building within the zone of influence you will be required to submit a Build Over Asset Application before your plans can be stamped. You can submit a Build Over Asset Application via our Property Self Service Portal.

How do I know I need a Build Over Assets Application?

If you are unsure if your development will need a Build Over Assets Application, you can request a Service Location Plan to provide a map of where Hunter Water assets are located on and surrounding your property.

Are you a first time user?

You can submit your plan stamping, build over sewer or development application online via our Property Self Service Portal. You just need to register first.

Are you already registered?

You can submit your plan stamping, build over sewer or development application online via our Property Self Service Portal. If you already have your sign-in details, you are ready to go. Simply click submit now below.

Need more help?

If you need more information about our Property Self Service Portal or with the building plan stamping and development process, please read our frequently asked questions.