Building and developing
We're working hard to offer services that keep up with our growing community and to improve our processes to make it easier for you to do business with us.
How can we help you?
A quick way to find resources relevant for your building or development
Building and developing application forms
View our various application types
Plumber application forms
View our various application types
Fees and charges
Prices for applications
Developer deeds
Access minor, major or complex works deeds
Developer works manual
View our developer works manual
Development Factsheet
View our developer works manual
Accredited suppliers hub
Designers and constructors
We value our network of professionals who work alongside us in assisting the Lower Hunter. Here you will find resources such as manuals and checklists, a current register of accredited suppliers and details on how you can become accredited.
Drawings, plans and specs
Hunter Water and its suppliers use a variety of documents when undertaking work and these are outlined for you.
Understand our development application process
When you develop or subdivide land, often you will need to lodge a development application with us to obtain a Section 50 Certificate. Watch our video to understand our application process.
What is a Section 50 compliance certificate?
What type of developments require a Section 50 certificate? What is the difference between minor, major and complex works? Watch our video find out more.