Low impact stormwater charge application

Complete this form if you appropriately manage stormwater on your property and would like to submit an application for the Low Impact Stormwater Charge.

Thirsty for more advice?

If you need more advice on the Low Impact Stormwater Charge, get your questions answered by contacting our team.

As per our Privacy Statement, the personal information we collect in this form is used to deliver you our services, which includes responding to your submission.

Your contact details

Preferred contact method

Property details

Is a rainwater tank used on your property?
Is the rain water tank connected to the entire roof area?
Is an infiltration system being used on your property?

A water demand report needs to be provided to assess your property's ability to use captured stormwater.

Is a dam being used on your property?
Are other stormwater controls being used on the property?
Are other stormwater controls being used on the property?
Has a stormwater management plan been prepared as part of a redevelopment or new property development?
Is there any past history of contamination on this property?
Please describe the slope of your land


  • I have attached all reports, stormwater management plans, photos or drawings to support this application.
  • I declare that I will manage my land effectively and not stockpile any soil/grass clippings/chemicals or general rubbish on my property.
  • I declare that if my low impact application is successful, I will make Hunter Water aware of any significant changes to my property that may change the level of impact it may have on Hunter Water’s stormwater infrastructure (ie. the quantity or quality stormwater runoff).
  • I declare that the information I have provided in this form is true and correct.
  • I am the owner or authorised representative for the above noted properties and confirm that this request complies with the information and guidelines outlined in the Hunter Water Privacy Management Plan
  • I have attached all reports, stormwater management plans, photos or drawings to support this application.
  • I declare that I will manage my land effectively and not stockpile any soil/grass clippings or general rubbish on my property.
  • I declare that if chemicals are being stored on my property appropriate bunding will be in place to contain any spills.
  • I declare that if my low impact application is successful, I will make Hunter Water aware of any significant changes to my property that may change the level of impact it may have on Hunter Water’s stormwater infrastructure (ie. the quantity or quality stormwater runoff).
  • I declare that the information I have provided in this form is true and correct.
  • I am the owner or authorised representative for the above noted properties and confirm that this request complies with the information and guidelines outlined in the Hunter Water Privacy Management Plan
  • I declare that I will manage my land effectively and not stockpile any soil/grass clippings/chemicals or general rubbish on my property.
  • I declare that if my low impact application is successful, I will make Hunter Water aware of any significant changes to my property that may change the level of impact it may have on Hunter Water’s stormwater infrastructure (ie. the quantity or quality stormwater runoff).
  • I declare that the information I have provided in this form is true and correct.
  • I am the owner or authorised representative for the above noted properties and confirm that this request complies with the information and guidelines outlined in the Hunter Water Privacy Management Plan