Update your details
Need to update your contact details or change your postal address? Let us know.
Check your account balance, view, pay and download your bills, update your details, get a payment extension and much more!
Need to update your contact details or change your postal address? Let us know.
It's easy to log in to My Account and check your balance fast. Not registered?
Paid a bill twice or made a payment to the wrong account? Let us help you get your money back.
If you're a property owner and need to add another person to transact with us on your behalf, let us know.
If we're unable to access your water meter, you can easily submit your property's water meter reading to us online.
If you're a managing agent or real estate and you want to update a postal address, receive bills via email or request a copy of a bill, you can submit online.
An easy way to manage your account.
Understand what concessions and rebates may apply to you and how to access your rebate online.
Find out what service delivery rebates apply when things don't go to plan and your water is interrupted or a sewer overflow occurs.