Education resources - Water
At Hunter Water, we are committed to educating the next generation about all things water.
Download and print the below resources to help students learn about water saving tips, water supply and water treatment in our region.
Journey from source to tap
Water audit workbooks
Water in our school
Investigate how much water your school can save
Water in our home
A home water audit for students and their families
Water saving tips for the home
Brushing your teeth colouring
Four minute showers colouring
Watering your garden colouring
Using a trigger nozzle colouring
Flushing your toilets colouring
Sweeping hard surfaces colouring
Love Water Worksheets
Love Water maze
Love Water code breaker
Love Water find-a-word
Love Water crossword
Fact sheets
Grahamstown Dam
Chichester Dam
Water experiments
Cloud in a jar experiment
Oil + Water Do they mix?
Homemade water filter
Skittles and our waterways
Water cycle in a bottle
Shaving cream clouds
Want to join the 28 Day Waterworld Shower Challenge?
We are challenging Stage 4 students from across the Lower Hunter to save water by reducing their shower times and learning localised and real world water facts aimed at extending their learning while studying 'Water in our world'.