Education resources - Recycled water

At Hunter Water, we are committed to educating the next generation about all things water.

Download and print the below resources to help students learn about water saving tips, water supply, wastewater management and recycled water in our region.

There are currently 15 recycled water schemes linked to our system in the Lower Hunter which produce a total of around six billion litres of recycled water each year. This equates to around 10% of all wastewater generated. There are also other privately-owned recycled water schemes in Huntlee, Cooranbong, and Catherine Hill Bay.

We are using recycled water as one approach in the long-term management of our water supply and the reliable delivery of water and wastewater services to the Lower Hunter region.

Recycled water is a reliable climate-independent supply of water, particularly during drought when rainfall is low. It also provides environmental benefits, such as reducing pollutants released to the environment.

Want to join the 28 Day Waterworld Shower Challenge?

We are challenging Stage 4 students from across the Lower Hunter to save water by reducing their shower times and learning localised and real world water facts aimed at extending their learning while studying 'Water in our world'.