Corporate governance

As a State Owned Corporation, we operate under the Hunter Water Act 1991 and the State Owned Corporations Act 1989.

We have a strong corporate governance framework that underpins our strategic objectives and commitment to customers, shareholders and the community. Our Shareholder Ministers are The Hon. Daniel Mookhey MLC, Treasurer and The Hon. Courtney Houssos MLC, Minister for Finance.

Our Board

Our Board of Directors oversees our organisation’s policies, management and performance. The Board sets our strategic direction, and ensures we achieve our business and regulatory commitments. Learn more about our Board.

Our leadership team

The Leadership Team oversees policy implementations, day-to-day management of our people, and the delivery of services to our customers. Learn more about our leadership team.

Your right to information

Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA) we're required to publish a range of information in a readily and accessible form for our customers. Learn more about your right to information.

Public Interest Disclosure Policy

We have a zero-tolerance stance in relation to the four relevant areas of serious wrongdoing encompassed by the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1994. Namely corruption, maladministration, serious and substantial waste of public money, and government information contravention.

Fraud and Corruption Control Policy

We are an ethical organisation which does not tolerate fraud or corruption. Our Fraud and Corruption Control Policy outlines our approach to the effective and efficient management of fraud and corruption.

About us

The Hunter Water that exists today has had a long and rich history from its humble beginnings in the 1880's. Over our long history, our commitment to delivering the vision for the region continues.