Reservoir renewal at Arcadia Vale and Morisset

We are refurbishing two existing reservoirs at Arcadia Vale and Morisset to extend their service life and continue to provide a safe and reliable water supply to our customers:

  • Morisset 2: located on the corner of Coorumbung Street and Mandalong Street in Morisset
  • Arcadia Vale 1: located on Donnelly Road in Arcadia Vale

Although the reservoirs will need be drained and taken offline to complete the works, there will be no disruption to the water supply for local homes and businesses.

The sun is shining brightly and the grass is very green at Morisset reservoir 2

Review of environmental factors

This project has been assessed in accordance with the environmental impact assessment requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

The following Review of Environmental Factors (REF) describe the proposed works, assess the potential construction and operation environmental impacts, and identify our safeguards to mitigate any identified impacts.

Thirsty for more information?

Contact us if you would like to learn more about our reservoir renewal project.