Platt Street Water Main Remediation

We're upgrading the water main that runs under Platt Street in Waratah, between the Calvary Mater Newcastle and Ada Street. This work will help ensure efficient performance of the water network in this area for years to come.

What you need to know

  • Interflow crews will begin mobilising to site from Wednesday 19 March 2025, with main works expected to start from Monday 24 March 2025. The upgrade should take about 10 weeks to complete, assuming the weather is fine and there are no major issues.
  • Work will begin at the Calvary Mater Newcastle end of Platt Street. Platt Street will be reduced to one traffic lane in this location, under traffic control. Delays are expected, allow extra travel time.
  • Driveway access in this area will be maintained, though some short delays may be experienced.
  • This web page will be updated as construction progresses. Check in regularly or sign up to receive updates straight to your inbox.

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About the work

An existing water main under Platt Street in Waratah, between the Calvary Mater Newcastle and Ada Street, needs to be upgraded.

Work will begin with replacement of around 100m of water main near the side entrance to the Calvary Mater Newcastle. This will involve closing one lane on Platt Street and progressively excavating the road to reveal and replace the existing water main. To ensure the water network continues to perform efficiently during the work, two temporary water mains will be installed on Platt Street, near the entrance to Reservoir Car Park.

The remainder of the water main on Platt Street, to Ada Street, will be relined. Relining allows us to remediate the water main without excavating the entire 400m length, however some excavation will need to take place at the intersections of Platt Street and Edith Street (nightwork), Bridge Street, and Ada Street so that the newly relined water main can be tied into the network. The liner will be assembled offsite and then pulled into place over two days. It will be placed into the existing water main through a pit near the side entry to the Calvary Mater Newcastle (launch pit) and pulled through to a pit at the intersection of Ada Street (receival pit).

All areas will be remediated and returned to their current condition once all water main work is finished.

How this will affect you

Traffic changes

There will be changes to local traffic movements, including lane closures and detours, and construction vehicles in and around Platt Street during the work. Please follow the directions of traffic controllers and signs. Delays are expected, please allow extra travel time.

Platt Street – next to Calvary Mater Newcastle

Temporary traffic changes will be in place on Platt Street, next to the Calvary Mater Newcastle, from Monday 24 March to help ensure the work zone is safe. Platt Street will be reduced to one lane under traffic control, to allow for safe movement of construction vehicles and equipment.

Access to the Reservoir Staff Car Park and Fulton Hogan site compound, Secure Parking Station and other driveways in the area will be maintained, though short access delays may be experienced. Please follow the directions of traffic controllers and signs.

These traffic arrangements will be in place for the duration of the project. Delays are expected and we encourage road users in the area to allow extra travel time.

Platt and Edith Street intersection

We expect to be working at the intersection of Platt and Edith Street over one to two nights from early April - we will confirm the dates closer to the time. During this work, a portion of the intersection will be excavated to access water assets.

Edith Street will be temporarily closed during this nightwork between Platt and Lorna Street (emergency vehicles excepted) with detours in place.

Platt and Bridge Street intersection

We expect to be working at the intersection of Platt and Bridge Street for one week from Monday 14 April 2025 (first week of the School Holidays) and returning for three to five days from mid-May to complete the tie-ins of the newly relined main to our water network. We will confirm dates closer to the time.

During this work, eastbound access on Platt Street, between Bridge and Alfred Streets, will not be available. Detours will be in place and the bus stop located opposite the Corpus Christi Primary School will be temporarily relocated further east, across Alfred Street.

Platt and Ada Street intersection

We expect to be working at the intersection of Platt and Ada Street for one week from Monday 7 April 2025 and returning for three to five days from mid-May to complete the tie-ins of the newly relined main to our water network. We will confirm these dates closer to the time

During this work, eastbound access on Platt Street, between Alfred and Ada Streets, will not be available. Detours will be in place.

Noise, dust and vibration

At times we will use machinery and equipment that generate noise, dust, vibration and light. The noisiest activities including road cutting and excavation. We will make every effort to minimise the impacts, where possible, by:

  • turning off machinery and vehicles when not in use
  • using acoustic barriers where suitable
  • positioning noisy equipment and lighting towers as far away as possible
  • using non-tonal reversing beepers on all machinery

There will be no disruption to your water supply during this work.

Our aim is to minimise inconvenience to you, and we thank you for your patience during this work.