Irrigating sporting fields with recycled water

Hunter Water is continuing to make recycled water available to irrigate parks, gardens, sporting fields and many other public spaces.

We are planning to use recycled water to irrigate Jack McLaughlan Oval in Edgeworth.

The recycled water will come from Edgeworth Wastewater Treatment Works, which has been supplying recycled water to Waratah Golf Course for over ten years.

About recycled water

Recycled water is water that has been used before in homes and businesses. It is then treated to a high standard, meeting the requirements of NSW Health, ready to be used again for many different purposes.

Hunter Water already has 16 recycled water schemes providing recycled water for irrigation, agriculture and industry.

In the Hunter region more than 1,000 homes already have recycled water available for toilet flushing, outdoor use and for machine-washing clothes.

Community benefits

Using recycled water will help ensure sporting fields are watered and available to be used all year round, even in the event of a future drought. During a drought, water restrictions would mean that drinking water may not be available to irrigate sporting fields.

Being able to play sport, have green grass on sporting fields, have green gardens and other public spaces is important for the wellbeing of our community.

Recycled water pipeline alignment across Edgeworth Cricket and Athletics field

Project timeline

  1. Early 2022 to mid-2023: Designing the most appropriate path for the pipeline to run from Edgeworth Treatment Works to the sporting fields, while working with Lake Macquarie City Council and the users of Jack McLaughlan Oval to understand their needs
  2. Mid 2024: Start construction on the new pipework
  3. Late 2024 to mid 2025: The pipes are in, the new irrigation system is ready, and we can begin using recycled water at the ovals connected to the water tank

Frequently asked questions

Thirsty for more information?

Contact us if you would like to learn more about our recycled water projects.