Harpers Hill Reservoir and Lochinvar trunk main upgrade

We are replacing the ageing water reservoir at Harpers Hill with a higher volume structure to provide a more reliable water service for the area’s growing population.

We are also building an additional pipeline to transfer more water to the new reservoir.

This project is part Hunter Water’s program to improve the reliability of our system by upgrading ageing assets.

The pipeline will run from the reservoir to the pump station at 11 St Helena Close, Lochinvar. The location of reservoir will not change, it will just be bigger.
The pipeline will run from the reservoir to the pump station at 11 St Helena Close, Lochinvar. The location of reservoir will not change, it will just be bigger.

Project benefits

Once the reservoir has been built and connected to the completed pipeline, customers will experience improved water pressure and a more reliable water supply at times of peak demand.

Additionally, the new reservoir and pipeline will provide a reliable and adequate water supply for residential and commercial growth in the area for at least the next 15 to 20 years.

More information

Review of environmental factors

This project has been assessed in accordance with the environmental impact assessment requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

The following Review of Environmental Factor (REF) describes the proposed works, assesses the potential construction and operation environmental impacts, and identifies our safeguards to mitigate any identified impacts.

Thirsty for more information?

Contact us if you would like to learn more about this project