Our major infrastructure and environmental projects

Renewable Energy Project

We’re investing more than $15 million to install renewable energy systems at treatment plants and pump stations across our network.

CTGM Replacement

We’re planning for the replacement of the Chichester Trunk Gravity Main (CTGM) between the Brookfield Tunnel and Burmi Creek, and at the Bandon Grove Williams River Crossing.

Belmont Water Mains

We are planning to build two new water mains to distribute the treated water from the planned Belmont Desalination Plant to our customers and network.

Munibung Creek Rehabilitation

We're rehabilitating the section of Munibung Creek between Pendlebury Road and 75 Lachlan Road to stabilise the creek bank and improve the environment.

Irrigating Sporting Fields With Recycled Water

We are planning to use recycled water to irrigate Jack McLaughlin Oval in Edgeworth - to make this happen we are constructing a 900 metre pipeline from the sports field to Edgeworth Wastewater Treatment Works.

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Hunter River Estuary

We are developing a Hunter River Estuary Wastewater Masterplan to guide how wastewater from five wastewater treatment works is managed over the next 30 years.

Informed decisions guide how we respond

Understanding what our community values will inform our decisions around supply (where we get water from) and demand (how we use the water we have) options, and guide how we respond to drought.

Understanding our drought response

A drought response desalination plant at Belmont is our insurance policy if the Lower Hunter reaches critical water storage levels in severe drought conditions.