Belmont Desalination Plant
We’re building a permanent desalination plant at Belmont, which is a key action in the 2022 Lower Hunter Water Security Plan.
The community and environment will benefit from our targeted capital investment program across our entire water supply and wastewater network.
We’re building a permanent desalination plant at Belmont, which is a key action in the 2022 Lower Hunter Water Security Plan.
We’re investing more than $15 million to install renewable energy systems at treatment plants and pump stations across our network.
We are refurbishing two existing reservoirs at Arcadia Vale and Morisset to extend their service life and continue to provide a safe and reliable water supply to our customer.
We are replacing the ageing water reservoir at Harpers Hill with a higher volume structure, and building an additional pipeline so we can transfer more water to the new reservoir.
We're building a new reservoir with linked water mains and connection points at Cameron Park.
We’re planning for the replacement of the Chichester Trunk Gravity Main (CTGM) between the Brookfield Tunnel and Burmi Creek, and at the Bandon Grove Williams River Crossing.
We are planning to build two new water mains to distribute the treated water from the planned Belmont Desalination Plant to our customers and network.
We are delivering a package of water network upgrades in Cessnock over the next four years.
We're replacing approximately 1.4 kilometres of water trunk mains between Reflection Drive and O’Connell’s Road, Louth Park.
Learn more about how we're working to protect eroding river banks on the Williams River between Clarence Town and Seaham.
We're rehabilitating the section of Munibung Creek between Pendlebury Road and 75 Lachlan Road to stabilise the creek bank and improve the environment.
We're investing more than $20 million to rehabilitate four stormwater culverts within our stormwater network.
We are planning to use recycled water to irrigate Jack McLaughlin Oval in Edgeworth - to make this happen we are constructing a 900 metre pipeline from the sports field to Edgeworth Wastewater Treatment Works.
We are upgrading the existing wastewater pump station infrastructure at 60 Sandgate Road, Wallsend and installing a new pipe between the pump station and Shortland Wastewater Treatment Works.
The Toronto WWTW upgrade will ensure we can continue to reliably service the local community into the future.
We’re upgrading Raymond Terrace Wastewater Treatment Works to provide for future growth in the area and improve the quality of the treated effluent discharged from the site.
We’re upgrading the Medowie 10 Wastewater Pump Station located at 36B Ferodale Road, Medowie to improve its reliability and performance.
We're carrying out a pilot program to test the use of digital water meters to help us better identify leaks in our water network.
Check out our interactive map to see projects and other initiatives in your local area.
We building a permanent desalination plant at Belmont to help secure our region's water future.
We are developing a Hunter River Estuary Wastewater Masterplan to guide how wastewater from five wastewater treatment works is managed over the next 30 years.
Understanding what our community values will inform our decisions around supply (where we get water from) and demand (how we use the water we have) options, and guide how we respond to drought.
A drought response desalination plant at Belmont is our insurance policy if the Lower Hunter reaches critical water storage levels in severe drought conditions.