Indigenous mural design
In late 2019, we worked with Indigenous students from Mayfield West Demonstration School to design an amazing mural to celebrate their cultural knowledge around the value of water and the continuous connection to this precious resource.
We engaged local artist Jasmin Craciun, a proud Barkindji, Malyangapa woman, and Faith Curtis from UP&UP to work with indigenous students from Mayfield West Demonstration School to create a mural design that celebrates the shared value of water.
I have grown up all my life in Newcastle but I am from the Barkindji and Malyangapa people of Far Western NSW on the Darling River. Barkindji directly translates to "people of the river" meaning I not only feel a deep connection to the ocean I have lived by my entire life but also our river system the Darling.
This mural has taken its pride of place on a now beautiful looking pump station on the corner of Tourle St and Industrial Drive. It reflects our commitment to reconciliation and strengthening relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as demonstrated through our Reconciliation Action Plan.
We are thankful of the generous support provided by Mayfield West Public School students and staff, in particular the Principal Matthew Bradley, who has worked closely with us on this project.
We are committed to providing better health, economic and social outcomes to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in our workforce and the communities in which we operate. Our Reconciliation Action Plan is our to commitment to move to a place of equity, justice and partnership together.