Our strategy

Hunter Water is proud of the important and significant contribution we make to the health, wellbeing and prosperity of our region.

Initially established in the 1880’s to protect public health for the City of Newcastle, we have grown to be the trusted provider of high quality water services for a population of over 630,000 across the Lower Hunter region.

Our vision

Water is life.

Our purpose

We are creating a sustainable water future for all.

Our Corporate Strategy Miromaliko Baato

Our Corporate Strategy builds on our strong track record to provide an ambitious blueprint to create a sustainable water future for all.

In Gathung language, Miromaliko Baato means saving water. This is the closest way we can express the term ‘water is life’ using one of the languages of the Traditional Custodians of the land in which we operate. The concept that water is life is paramount to First Nations peoples as it directly links to the value of water, and the history and teaching through generations around respect for the land and our water.

Our strategic objectives

We have defined nine tangible and measurable strategic objectives, that will help us move towards our desired strategic outcomes. These objectives have been informed by the voice of our customers and community:

  • Community focused
  • High quality water services
  • Value for money and affordable
  • Water security
  • Environmentally sustainable - view our Sustainability Strategy
  • Be safe, live well, thrive
  • Values-based culture
  • Deliver shareholder value

The first six objectives also form our Customer Outcomes - the promises we make to our customers and community. Progress is regularly monitored and reviewed.

Annual Report

Our Annual Report outlines Hunter Water's activities and performance, covering highlights from the year.